March Madness

moving 2


2014 so far has been a busy time but full of steps in the right direction as well. As much as I tend to be hard on myself I have accomplished a lot so far this year. As I mentioned before, I have been getting ready to move and tomorrow is the big day. I get the keys to my new place at 8am and I really can’t wait. As much as I tried to make the experience as stress free as possible I didn’t fully succeed. I have come to the conclusion that the stress is inevitable. But looking on the bright side, I am organized, I have a plan and I took tomorrow and Monday off work so that I can take my time setting things up at my new place. My biggest excitement lies in the fact that I will now have a bath tub!! I haven’t had my own tub in over 5 years. I am gonna aromatherapy and candle up the place!!

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